Cyber Security

With the support of 1000 Women 1 Voice Girls’Net has been fortunate enough to educate themselves on these topics . In partnership with 1000 Women 1 Voice and Womens’Net we advocated and educated on social media in order to encourage girls to seek their own solutions

Mobile harassment refers to the act of sending any type of text message, sex photo message, video message, or voicemail from a mobile phone that causes the receiver to feel harassed, threatened, tormented, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise victimized. It is recognized as a form of cyberbullying

Digital dating abuse is a form of verbal and/or emotional abuse, particularly among teens, which can include unwanted, repeated calls or text messages, pressure to send nude or private pictures or videos, and the use of social networking sites such as Instagram to bully, harass, stalk or intimidate a boyfriend

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